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State Revenues

Revenues can be viewed by the individual source such as income tax and sales tax; there are about 35 separate taxes and fees as shown in the 'Revenue by Source' table below.

The general and transportation fund totals are represented in the pie chart below and can be viewed in greater detail by selecting a fund from the 'View a fund' option below.

Various trends in funding can also be viewed. An example on this page is the trend in total revenue over 5 years as shown in the stacked bar graph at the bottom of this page.

For this year's numbers, please visit the State of Vermont's Legislative Joint Fiscal Office.

Change year:Or view a fund:

Revenue by Fund (2008 in millions)
Transportation - $ 249.4M
General - $ 1,416.2M
Education - $ 1,238.1M

Revenue by Source; individual taxes and fees (2008 in millions):
Personal Income Tax       $ 622.3M details
NonHomestead Education Tax       $ 478.1M details
Sales & Use       $ 338.4M details
Net Homestead Education Tax       $ 304.8M details
GF Transfer       $ 280.2M details
Rooms & Meals       $ 121.1M details
Sales & Use Tax       $ 116.7M details
Vehicle Purchase & Use       $ 79.0M details
Corporate       $ 74.6M details
Motor Vehicle Fees       $ 67.5M details
Gasoline       $ 62.6M details
Cigarette       $ 59.2M details
Insurance       $ 54.8M details
Property Transfer       $ 34.0M details
Purchase & Use Tax       $ 27.6M details
Other Tranportation       $ 23.7M details
Lottery Transfer       $ 23.6M details
Lottery       $ 22.7M details
Diesel       $ 16.6M details
Estate       $ 15.7M details
Fees       $ 14.7M details
Liquor       $ 14.2M details
Bank Franchise       $ 10.2M details
Telephone       $ 9.5M details
Medicaid Transfer       $ 8.5M details
Beverage       $ 5.6M details
Fines Forfeits       $ 4.4M details
Interest Premiums       $ 3.9M details
Other Tax       $ 3.2M details
Electric       $ 2.7M details
Vermont Yankee Education Tax       $ 1.9M details
Services       $ 1.7M details
Other Revenue       $ 0.6M details
Fund Interest       $- 3.3M details

2008 Revenue by Source (top four in millions)
Personal Income Tax - $ 622.3M
NonHomestead Education Tax - $ 478.1M
Sales & Use - $ 338.4M
Net Homestead Education Tax - $ 304.8M
Remainder - $ 1,160.1M

Recent trends in revenue:

Personal Income Tax
NonHomestead Education Tax
Sales & Use
Net Homestead Education Tax

Start year End Year Change
All numbers in the table below are per $1,000
Personal Income Tax
change (base 2003; year-to-year)
NonHomestead Education Tax
change (base 2003; year-to-year)
Sales & Use
change (base 2003; year-to-year)
Net Homestead Education Tax
change (base 2003; year-to-year)
change (base 2003; year-to-year)
2003 $411,238


2004 $429,817
4.5%; 4.5%

17.2%; 17.2%

9%; 9%
2005 $499,860
21.5%; 16.3%
33.8%; 14.2%
-24%; -30%
2006 $542,000
31.8%; 8.4%
31.8%; 8.4%
40.1%; 4.7%
40.1%; 13.4%
-21%; 4%
2007 $581,200
41.3%; 7.2%
41.3%; 8.8%
43.6%; 2.5%
43.6%; 4.3%
-18%; 4%
2008 $622,300
51.3%; 7.1%
51.3%; 5.1%
45.7%; 1.4%
45.7%; -2.9%
-18%; 0%

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