
State Spending

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Read the latest reports and commentaries on the current budget crisis by Public Assets Institute
..AND the latest commentaries on state budget and taxation issues from the Ethan Allen Institute.

FY2013 Budget Information:

The "Current Session" section of Vermont Transparency contains information about the fiscal 2013 budget, which appropriates money for state government for the year starting July 1, 2012. The information on this page follows the format on the "State Spending" page. Users can see the budget proposed by the governor, the versions passed by the House and then the Senate, and the final version adopted on the last day of the 2012 legislative session. As on the "State Spending" page, users can see the total amount appropriated by the Legislature, including federal funds the state will receive, or they can view appropriations by the various funding sources. There is also an option to view just the spending supported with state funding only, which is the "All but Federal" option in the drop down list.

On this page, users can see the budgets for the major functions of government, such as General Government, Protection to Persons and Property, Human Services, Education and Natural Resources. By clicking on an amount in any of the colmuns, users can see the sources of funding for each major function for the last five years.

There is also a more detailed display where users can see individual line item appropriations within each major function. Click on "View Individual Appropriations by Function" to see detail. On the line-item page, users can select appropriations by funding source, for example, General Fund, all funds, federal funds, etc.


Specify a fund:
FunctionGovernor's ProposalHouse ProposalSenate ProposalFinal Budget
General Government $135,497,185 - - -
Protection to Persons and Property $272,330,324 - - -
Human Services $2,082,388,433 - - -
Employment and Training $30,009,827 - - -
General Education $1,623,498,932 - - -
Higher Education and Other $80,339,790 - - -
Natural Resources $87,719,302 - - -
Commerce and Community Development $65,734,829 - - -
Transportation $635,422,103 - - -
Debt Service $72,656,785 - - -
Miscellaneous $21,697,416 - - -
Other Bills - - - -
Total $5,107,294,926

View Individual Appropriations by Function (all funds)

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